Helping YOUR Business SUCCEED by increasing sales & reducing costs
- Sell More to your existing customer base!
- Increase your existing customer base!
- Create automated "A to B to C" businesses!
- Powerhouse IT, Marketing, Sales, & Financing Proven Know How.
Business Solutions
Global Experts, Real Results
In Business For Business.
Business Consulting is What We Do!
Computer Technology Specialists.com allows you to Dream BIG!
As Technical Business Consultants, our packaged and custom solutions literally solve your business problems overnight. We design and build automated process improvements with software solutions for your company that integrate with your sales and marketing funnels. Watch as your vision builds itself in front of your eyes. All software workflow designs employ a "set and forget" solution which does not need human interaction. Complete workflows that let you focus on Sales and Marketing and not on IT - Information Technology. We have Designed, Implemented, Assessed and Audited some of the world's most secure software residing within or external to a company. We have extensive experience in the technical business space you are focusing on. We bring a "no nonsence", "can do" attitute to your business problem.
Solving big business problems by utilizing small business mentality.
Integrated Business Solutions
Business solutions that integrate on site and in the cloud using modern, cutting edge frameworks with "AI" Artificial intelligence integration and custom workflows. See how this works!
Marketing and Sales workflow funnels
We help your company market your solution to defined targeted market segments with SEO & social media funnnels along with Artificial Intelligence and voice recognition. See how this works!
AI - Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence gives you a snapshot of the user's preferences & can motivate the user to take action. Almost as if you read your customer's mind. Sell more, Do More. See How!
Technical Analysis
This is what sets Computer Technology Specialists apart from others. Our staff is comprised of diverse business and technical experts that know your business inside and out. That powerhouse knowledge allows you to get it right the first time.
Virtual Work Force
Implement secure desktops in the cloud that allows your staff to work remotely. Watch worker productivity soar. Learn what a best of breed Enterprise desktop can do for your business income stream while reducing costs. $$$
API Development
Not every "API" Application Programming Interface platform produces the desired result. We use the best of breed tools to construct a cost efffective API that effectively expands your salesforce without having to budget for human labor. Let your product or service sell itself!
See How